“Paint What You Feel” is a mini-documentary that I’ve been working on since Spring of 2023, and is aimed to be released in the Summer of 2024. Though I primarily have always considered myself a songwriter, this particular artistic endeavor isn't related to my songs or career as a musician, but rather a project simply dedicated to the importance of vulnerability, finding the courage to tell your story, and being unapologetically yourself.
“Paint What You Feel” is a public demonstration I've conducted around Memphis several times, and EVERY time we do it, it is met with very positive and meaningful reactions. Each time, small to medium sized crowds have formed around me, with powerful conversations being stuck amongst bystanders and participators.
Based on the success I've had with this in Memphis, the bigger goal became to travel to several campuses in the region and film each demonstration as we go. We also conducted brief on-site interviews with those who volunteer their time to talk about what it made them feel. The end goal was to piece this footage together to make a short mini-doc (10-15 minutes). We’re currently in the editing process of this project and I couldn’t be more enthralled to finally share with everyone all of the experiences I got to have while traveling with this demonstration.
The mission of the documentary is to encourage vulnerability, telling your story, and promoting life with an awareness of what those around you are feeling.